What’s Causing Your Tooth Pain?
added on: December 29, 2020

Toothaches can happen at any time and they can happen to anyone. But that doesn’t necessarily make having a toothache feel any better. When it comes to finding out what’s causing your tooth pain, and how to treat it, there are few steps you can take. However, please note if… Read More…

How to Relieve Tooth Sensitivity
added on: February 25, 2019

If you’ve ever experienced tooth sensitivity, you’re well aware of just how uncomfortable it can be. Something as simple as drinking a cold beverage or trying to enjoy a of bowl of ice cream can send you into a fury of pain. When faced with the discomfort of sensitive teeth,… Read More…

Sensitive Teeth in Anaheim
added on: August 1, 2015

One of the most common complaints dentists hear from patients is that their teeth are sensitive. Millions of adults suffer from sensitive teeth in Anaheim and other cities around the country. Pain from a tooth is caused by the fluid that moves within the tiny tubes that are within the… Read More…